Saturday, July 4, 2015

God Bless America!

Independence Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the barbecues and fireworks and everything that goes along with them but sometimes I think we forget just what the day is really meant to commemorate. I get chills when a parade passes by. I tear up every time I hear the national anthem. My heart skips a beat and floods with gratitude when I see a service person in uniform.

We are seeing a lot of battles waged across our great nation right now. And I don't want to add one more opinion to the countless arguments but I want to send out a prayer to us all. God bless us and this great country.  Bless us that we will remember our roots, the foundations of freedom that those before us fought so valiantly for and that so many in our military continue to fight for today. Bless our hearts to be softened towards each other and all our various causes and stances and rights and ways of life. Bless us to forgive a little more and love a little more and understand a little more. Bless us that we will put down our weapons; our arms and our matches and our hurtful words, and that we will seek to fill the world with a little more love and peace and tolerance. In short, God bless America!

photo by me: Oregon cemetery

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